Types of Housing

DOUBLES: 所有的校园房间都是双人间,除了VK和一年级的房间在Page. Requests must have a Group of 2 to qualify.

TRIPLES: 这为组提供了请求VK或flex-triples的机会(与应该使用GLC表单请求的GLC flex-triple分开)。. There are 2 kinds of triples:

  • Designated triples in VK
  • Flex-Triples which may be requested in Armington, Clark, Emerson and Page.

What's the difference between a flex and designated triple?

A flex-triple is a double room that is being expanded by request, for either or both semesters, to make it a triple configuration. 阿明顿,克拉克,爱默生和GLC的任何双人房都可以申请灵活的三人房. Page rooms can be requested as flex-triples by returning students, 但大多数人选择这些房间作为双人间,并要求他们这样的双重申请. 重要提示:根据我们额外的家具供应,弹性三件套的数量有限,不能保证.

The only designated triples for returning students are in Van Kampen. VK rooms are not changeable to double-occupancy rooms.

When and how are triples requested?

Triple requests precede Double requests on the calendar, so Triple requests are considered prior to Doubles.

  • 对于GLC房间,使用GLC请求提交一个灵活的三重请求.
  • 对于所有其他房间,使用Triple请求创建一个灵活的三联体房间或请求一个VK房间. Do NOT use the Double request.
  • 每个学生都需要通过他们的学生门户网站批准他们的参与,以便完成三人组请求.

What are the advantages of triple requests?

灵活的三分之一让学生有机会不把第三个朋友“冷落在外”。. 它还可以帮助那些出国留学的学生在他们的校园里有一个学期的位置. For example, 秋季的双人房可能会选择把他们的房间扩大到春季的三人房,并让一个从国外留学归来的朋友和他们一起住!



  • GLC may only be requested by seniors and juniors. 由于高需求,包含一个或多个下级的请求不太可能成功.
  • 可以在GLC表单上请求双重配置或弹性三重配置. 在GLC中,您不使用Triple表单来请求flex-triple. A flex-triple may be for one or both semesters. 当我们进行秋季住房流程时,秋季学期需要有3名学生有资格成为灵活的三人组. 当我们在10月下旬执行Fall-to-Spring流程时,只考虑Spring的弹性三元组(从Fall的双元组创建Spring的弹性三元组).
  • NO meal plan is assigned for GLC residents, as it is NOT required. 这是唯一不包括膳食计划要求的校园宿舍. However, a meal plan is optional upon request. 所有膳食计划的要求必须以书面形式向住房主任提出(housing@westmont).edu). NOTE: typically about 1/3 of GLC residents request a meal plan.


There are different categories for off-campus living:

  • Off-Campus Due to Special Circumstances is a type of "Local Commuter in SB (LCSB)." This is an individual request only. The circumstances must be verifiable. To see the list of potentially qualifying circumstances, see Off-Campus Commuting.
  • Off-Campus by Lottery is also a type of "Local Commuter in SB (LCSB)." This can be requested by seniors only. This is an individual request only. 随机数生成器用于授予有限数量的彩票请求.
  • Off-Campus at Ocean View is coded as "Local Commuter at OV (LCOV)." OV is for seniors and juniors only. Requests must have a Group of 3 or a Group of 4 to qualify. 由于预期的需求,包含一个或多个下级的请求不太可能成功.

SOLO: 这是为那些没有室友的学生申请双人间或三人间的个人要求. 此表格不用于申请单人房(请参阅下文)!).

  • 单独请求者可以使用此表单表明他们的位置偏好.
  • 单独请求者可能与其他单独请求者放在一起, or in rooms where openings become available.
  • Solo requests are NOT for requesting single-occupancy rooms, 因为我们不提供单人房(除了RAs或残疾服务办公室的住宿).

Squatter's Privilege

考虑到学生要求作为他们的第一选择返回他们的学校 same residence hall for the next year. It does not 给予保留相同房间的考虑,因为房间是在选拔活动中保留的.

Who qualifies for squatters?

Only students who reside on upper campus in Clark, Emerson or Page, and are rising sophomores can qualify for squatters privilege. 阿明顿、GLC、VK或海景区的居民没有擅自占用者特权.

How does squatters work?

当一名即将升入高年级的大二学生要求回到他们的宿舍,作为他们明年的第一选择, we will recognize his/her squatter's privilege. 可以是双人间申请,也可以是三人间申请.e. for any optional Flex-Triple request in Clark, Emerson or Page). Only one student is needed for squatter's privilege, but if two returning residents request together, they would be given even more consideration.

Squatter's does not increase the points in a group request. Rather, 在房屋注册期间,合格的寮屋团体在有限的分配房间数量的竞争中得到更多的考虑.

Proxy Authorizations

What if I cannot attend my Selection Event?

如果你的小组中没有一个成员可以参加选择, 小组成员应授权至少一名其他学生代表您参加并选择:

  • A proxy must be authorized by emailing housing@pale61.com at least 48 hours ahead of your selection event. Your proxy must be a current Westmont student.
  • The proxy must attend your Selection Event at your sign-up time,您负责将您所在组的选择时间传达给代理.



如果您和您的团队未能及时授权代理为您选择房间, OR your proxy fails to appear to select your room or apartment, your group may fall to the bottom of the list. 住房部门保留在甄选活动结束时将该类型住房中剩余的任何空房分配给您的权利. 你甚至有可能被排除在住房选择之外,你们小组的每个成员都可能需要重新提出新的住房要求.