财政援助信息 招生 & 援助

如果你申请经济援助(我们敦促每个学生申请), your actual cost to enroll at Westmont depends on your family’s financial need and your eligibility for merit- and talent-based scholarships. 威斯蒙特大学承诺提供大量的经济援助(22美元).400万美元的奖学金和助学金, making our high-quality education affordable to students from a wide range of economic backgrounds.

在Westmont, institutional gift aid represents 63 percent of all aid to students; the national figure is 19 percent. Only 22 percent of aid to Westmont students comes from federal loans compared to 37 percent nationally.



重要的财政援助更新| 2024年4月

随着FAFSA即将到来的变化, Westmont is continuing our commitment to helping students and families make a Westmont education affordable. 请按以下连结查阅最新资料. 如果您有任何疑问,请直接与学生财务服务部联系.



联邦学生援助ID用于在网上签署FAFSA, 以及改正错误, 完成FAFSA的更新, 还要查一下学生贷款的数据. 父母 of dependent students must also apply for a 联邦学生援助身份证 in order to sign their student's FAFSA renewal or corrections.



随着FAFSA即将到来的变化, Westmont is continuing our commitment to helping students and families make a Westmont education affordable.

We encourage all students and prospective students to file the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). 的 FAFSA 在线完成. 的 FAFSA 是否可以在2023年12月31日开始的任何时间完成. Students that are applying for the Cal Grant need to fill out the FAFSA by April 2nd, 2024.

而FAFSA现在正在提交, 大学最早要到3月中旬才能收到学生的家庭信息, 到时我们会尽快归还财政援助预算.



Cal Grant GPA验证表

加州居民有资格申请加州补助金. 首次获得加州助学金的人必须有高中GPA(或大学GPA), for transfer students with 24 or more completed college semester units) submitted electronically to the California Student 援助 Commission. 大多数高中自动将GPA提交给加州学生援助委员会, 但是学生应该确保这些都完成了. 的 deadline to submit the GPA to the California Student 援助 Commission is March 4th, 2024.




学生财务服务 may request various documents to verify your information provided on the FAFSA. 您的申请所需的文件清单将在 助学金学生门户网站(网络合作伙伴). Financial aid awards are subject to change if information on these forms is different from the information reported on the FAFSA. 在6月1日之前收到文件的学生优先.


Recent high school graduates must submit the final transcript that indicates graduation to the Office of Admission before financial aid will be credited to the student’s account. 转学生, 学术成绩单, 通过最后一个学期/季度, must be submitted to the Student Records Office before 学生财务服务 can verify a student’s eligibility for student loans.


Once all necessary financial aid application items have been submitted and reviewed by 学生财务服务, students will be sent an 电子邮件 indicating that the “final” financial aid package is ready to be reviewed. 那时,学生必须访问 助学金学生门户网站 然后选择菜单下的“接受援助”. 一旦有, a student is required to either accept or decline each source of financial aid that is listed. No financial aid will be credited to a student’s account until each fund offered has either been accepted or declined. 

PLUS贷款, 或本科生家长贷款, is a federal student loan program in the United States that allows parents of dependent undergraduate students to borrow funds to help cover the cost of their child's education. 




的 value of Westmont lies in educating the whole person and caring about every aspect of your life. 你会在爱中找到家, 美丽的圣巴巴拉校园里热情好客的ag娱乐官网,培养你的思想, 你的ag娱乐官网, 你的角色, 你的目的, 你的未来和你的快乐.

为什么选择Westmont Icons_Profession

学会领导和服务于社会的各个领域. 通过类, 实习, 和教授一起研究, 你会得到实践经验,让你走得更远. 发现校友,家长,顾问和朋友的强大网络. 韦斯特蒙将为你开辟一条适合你的职业之路. Ninety percent of the class of 2022 found work or enrolled in graduate school within six months of earning their degrees.

为什么Westmont Icons_Affordable

我们希望与你们合作,让上得起大学. 韦斯特蒙特去年提供了3900万美元的助学金和奖学金, 帮助95%的学生. 《ag娱乐官网》杂志的2023年最佳大学排名, 它分析了700多所四年制大学,重点关注质量, 负担能力和学生成绩, 给韦斯特蒙酒店打了四星. 在帮助学生支付学费方面,威斯特蒙特大学在加州名列前茅. Our four-year graduation rate (72 percent) exceeds the four-year national graduation rate (48 percent) by 24 percentage points and the six-year national graduation rate (64 percent) by eight percentage points. 21%的威斯蒙特学生提前毕业.

为什么选择Westmont Icons_Think

As one of the nation’s leading Christian liberal arts institutions and the top-ranked school in California and the western United States, 韦斯特蒙特推动学生实现他们的潜力. Our robust curriculum provides the high-quality, faith-based education of a true honors college. 一种特殊的学习方法——小班授课, expert professors and a focus on reSearch — challenges students to think deeply and learn broadly.

为什么选择Westmont Icons_Eternity

深入, 坚持你的信念, 扩展你的知识,探索你的灵魂,去理解你为什么相信你所相信的. Westmont professors bring their faith into the classroom and challenge you to think like a Christian. 礼拜期间的教堂礼拜, 小型圣经学习小组, participation in local churches and volunteer ministry work all help you make 你的ag娱乐官网 your own. 成为上帝创造的你. 学会带着更深的目的和意义生活.

为什么是Westmont Icons_Character

学习如何基于你的ag娱乐官网和价值观做出艰难的决定. 你将探索如何正直地生活,并在你的生活中发现更深层次的目标. Living in a Christian community like Westmont will shape and refine 你的角色 and help you learn how to invest yourself in the people around you. You’ll discover how to lead with integrity — and how to serve —in every sphere of society throughout the world.

为什么是Westmont Icons_Community

拥抱欢迎和好客的ag娱乐官网在韦斯特蒙特. 学生们真正享受校园生活! Get involved in clubs, Bible studies, intramural sports, study groups, adventure trips, and more! 沉浸在美丽的圣巴巴拉. Students embrace the strong sense of community and wide range of vibrant activities locally and all that California offers. Our incredible location in a city rich in Spanish and Mediterranean heritage and culture set between mountains and ocean offers so many opportunities for recreation, 艺术, 历史, 灵感与探索.




作者:Jenna Nellis Justman ' 17



提供能改变生活的贷款. Jay (Ofori) Diallo’08依赖于


威斯蒙特大学有一半的新生获得学术奖学金, 人才奖学金和/或助学金


学费| 50,500美元

费用| 1240美元

客房| 9860美元

董事会| 6500美元




美元的经济援助 每个星期.



您参加韦斯特蒙的净成本可能会比我们公布的学费少得多, 学费及生活费. 这是学费 & 财政援助前的费用估计.





你有资格获得什么样的韦斯特蒙特奖学金? 在下面的图表中, find your GPA and your SAT and/or ACT scores and discover the size of your scholarship award. 对于一些奖学金,更高的考试成绩可以弥补较低的gpa,反之亦然. This amount doesn't include any need-based aid you may receive on the basis of your FAFSA or talent-based awards such as athletics and music scholarships.


Students applying without ACT or SAT scores are eligible for all our academic scholarship tiers. 优秀奖学金是根据我们提供的学术标准颁发的. 录取决定总是在全面审查的基础上做出的, 包括学历, 接受采访时, 课外参与, 展示领导力及更多.


的se scholarships are awarded to first-year and transfer students with a distinguished high school or college academic profile. More than 95 percent of first-year and transfer students receive an academic and/or talent-based scholarship. 学业绩点的组合, SAT或ACT成绩和申请的整体质量决定奖学金金额. 有资格获得学术奖学金的学生将在录取通知书中得到通知.









有更一般的入学相关问题吗? 你的辅导员很乐意帮忙. 找出你的咨询师是谁,以及如何通过电话联系他们, 电子邮件, 你甚至可以在参观校园或参加当地的大学博览会时亲自见到他们.



如果你有任何具体的经济援助相关问题, 您可以致电(805)565-6063或电子邮件ag娱乐官网的学生金融服务 sfs@pale61.com 安排与财务援助顾问谈话的时间.
