Degrees & Programs Liberal Studies

Your Path to Teaching Elementary School

如果你想从事基础教育工作, the Liberal Studies major is a great choice. 该专业可以帮助您发展在小学课堂中通常教授的所有科目的专业知识,并为您进入加州教师资格证书计划所需的CSET(科目考试)做好准备.

With a Liberal Studies degree, 你很有资格获得多学科教学证书. 在常规课程中,您将在第五年返回以获得教师证书. With careful planning and hard work, 你可以在四年内完成通识教育专业并获得多学科教学证书 Westmont’s Teacher Credential Program

Maria Hernandez teacching

What is Liberal Studies?

In California, unlike most other states, 那些希望从事基础教育的人通常会选择一个多学科的专业,叫做通识教育. 通识教育主要是一个学术内容的学位, 让你发展在所有科目的专业知识,通常在小学课堂上教.

ag娱乐官网大学的通识研究专业是国家批准的基础学科项目, 与CSET考试相一致,CSET考试允许进入教师准备计划,获得多学科(初级)证书.

Liberal Studies Handbook

Sample Tracks

Regular Track Five-Year Sample Plan   

Fast Track Four-Year Sample Plan

Sample Tracks by Year

Regular Track
Fall (13 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ENG 2: Composition (4)
  • HIS 7: US to 1877 (4)
  • PE 32:  Fitness for Life (1)
SprinG (13 units)
  • ENG 6: Studies in Lit. (4)
  • LS 12: Life Science (4)
  • Concentration elective (4)
  • PEA (1)
Fall (17 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ENG 2: Composition (4)
  • HIS 7: US to 1877 (4)
  • PHS 11: Physical Science (4)
  • PE 32: Fitness for Life (1)
Spring (17 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ENG 6: Studies in Lit. (4)
  • LS 12: Life Science (4)
  • Concentration elective (4)
  • PEA (1)
Mayterm (3-4 units)
  • Foreign Language
Regular Track
Fast Track
Fall (16 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • MUS 184:  Music for Children (4)
  • PHS 11: Physical Science (4)
  • Concentration elective (4)
Spring (16 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ED 172:  Children’s Literature (4)
  • 英语104:现代语法与写作(4)
  • Foreign Language (4)
Fall (19 units -- overload)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • MA 160: Fund. of Math (4)
  • ED 105: Cultural Diversity (4)
  • Concentration Elective (4)
  • ED 160:课堂教师的技术(2)
  • PEA (1)
Spring (18 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • MA 165: Fund. of Math II (2)
  • ED 172: Children’s Literature (4)
  • 英语104:现代语法与写作(4)
  • ART 180: Art for Children (4)
Regular Track
Fast Track
Fall (14 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ENG 106:  Language Acquisition (4)
  • PHS 114:  Earth Science (4)
  • KNS 155:  Fundamentals of Movement (2)
Spring (15 units)
  • HIS 178: CA History (4)

  • ART 180:  Art for Children (4)
  • PSY 115:  Child Development (4)
  • ED 160:课堂教师的技术(2)
  • PEA (1)
Fall (18 units)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • PHS 114: Earth Science (4)
  • PSY 115: Child Development (4)
  • Concentration elective (4)
  • KNS 156: Health Education (2)
Spring (19 units -- overload)
  • HIS 178: CA History (4)

  • ED 100: Explorations in Teaching (4)
  • ENG 106: Language Acquisition (4)
  • MU 184: Music for Children (4)
  • KNS 155: Fundamentals of Movement (2)
  • ED 109: Liberal Studies Seminar (1)
Regular Track
Fast Track 
Fall (18 units)
  • ED 105:  Cultural Diversity (4)
  • >MA 160: Fund. of Math (4)
  • KNS 156:  Health Education (2)
  • Elective (4)
  • Elective (4)
Spring (15 units)
  • ED 100:  Explorations in Teaching (4)
  • MA 165: Fund. of Math II (2)
  • Concentration Elective (4)
  • Elective (4)
  • ED 109:  Liberal Studies Seminar (1)
Fall (18 units)

Graduate with 124 units in December

  • ED 110: Educational Psychology (4)
  • ED 120:社会研究/科学教学(4)
  • ED 150: Math Instruction (4)
  • ED 170:阅读和语言艺术教学(4)
  • ED 130: Special Education (2)
Spring (15 units )

Post graduate units

  • ED 190: Student Teaching (12)
  • ED 195: Student Teaching Seminar (3)


Real-world experiences in learning

Career Paths

毕业生在从公立到私立的各种K - 12教室教学, and many teach in international schools. After several years teaching in the field, 毕业生通常从事教育管理, school counseling, or even add an additional credential.

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