



1-2pmCheck-in at the parking lot below Deane Chapel 和 Music Building (韦斯特蒙特校园地图在这里). 小道的起点 students will meet their undergraduate mentors and find their rooms. 
2-2:15 pmGuests of 小道的起点 students say goodbye! 
10:00 am结束礼拜仪式
上午11时至下午12时Residence hall check-out and departure. 


8:30am早餐(Westmont Dining Commons)
9:30amSite Visit and Learning: "Art, Creativity, and Faith" (Prof. 内森发怒)
12:30pm午餐(Westmont Dining Commons)
1:30pmGroup and Individual Reflection: "Art, Creativity, and Faith"
3:30pmRecreation Time (hiking, nap time, individual reflection, etc.)
5:30pm晚餐(Westmont Dining Commons)
7:00pmPeer Listening Groups and Daily Debrief
8:00pmEvening Games and Activities with Undergraduate Mentors


A parent/guardian should complete, sign, and submit the Authorization for Medical 车e and Image Use Form 责任豁免 for Session 1, Session 2, or Session 3 prior to the start of the program. We expect to post these forms by May 1, 2024.

电子签名, 复印本, 签署文件的任何其他电子传输应具有与手动签署相同的法律效力和可执行性. Completed forms can be scanned and returned to trailhead@pale61.com,或邮寄至: 


小道的起点包括课堂内外的活动(可能包括徒步旅行), 乘船游览, 游泳, 体育比赛, 诸如此类). Participants assume the risks associated with all program activities.


请轻装携带,但请确保在韦斯特蒙特学院期间携带以下物品. Please note that students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to campus. 

Covid-19安全建议表明,户外的风险要低得多, 所以我们几乎所有的活动都是在户外进行的——不管怎么说,韦斯特蒙酒店的户外环境非常漂亮. 但这将伴随着一些寒冷, 有雾的早晨,地面潮湿, and some warm afternoons in full sun. We'll help prepare for both with some umbrellas and tarps. 但是要做好准备.


  • Linens: sheets, blankets, 枕头s, and 枕头cases as needed (现场布草租赁 是可用的, 一条毛巾30美元, 一套床单, 枕头, 枕头cases and blanket; please order linens by noon the Wednesday before the start of your session)
  • 圣经
  • 研究/阅读灯
  • 手电筒
  • 衣架
  • 马克杯和水瓶
  • 洗衣袋或洗衣篮和洗衣卡的钱(如果你需要洗衣服)
  • 耳机 
  • 坚固的, 适合户外活动的舒适的鞋子,如远足和长时间散步(期望在粗糙的地方散步), 不平的地面)
  • 泳衣
  • Towel for sitting on the ground outside
  • 背包
  • 手机
  • 露营椅或沙滩椅(乘飞机旅行的学生将提供椅子)
  • 防晒霜
  • 太阳帽子
  • 太阳镜


  • 热板
  • 微波炉
  • 烤面包机/烤箱
  • 空调
  • 卤素手电筒落地灯
  • 普通延长线
  • Candles/oil lamps (the fire code prohibits them)
  • 布基胶带
  • 宠物
  • 鼓组
  • 椅子、桌子或床(房间有家具,没有额外的存储空间).

提供三餐. Any special dietary needs can be noted on the Authorization for Medical 车e and Image Use Form.

圣巴巴拉经常在早晨被云覆盖,晚上气温较低. 一些暖和的衣服可能是必要的. 


We encourage students to fly into the Santa Barbara Airport (SBA), as it is the closest airport to the Westmont campus. 小道的起点 staff are able to offer transportation to and from SBA and Westmont. 的 圣巴巴拉空中客车 提供从洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)到圣巴巴拉地区的服务. 小道的起点的工作人员还可以提供往返于La Cumbre Plaza的圣巴巴拉空中客车站的交通服务. If you anticipate needing transportation to and from SBA or the airbus stop, please be in touch with us at trailhead@pale61.com.

Take 101 North to the Olive Mill exit. 右转进入橄榄磨坊路. 左转进入温泉路. Turn right onto Sycamore Canyon Road at the first stop sign and continue for 1.1英里. Turn right onto Cold Springs Road at the second stop sign. 左转进入第一个韦斯特蒙特校园入口,并按照标志到停车场. 

Take 101 South to the Coast Village exit (on the left). 右转进入海岸村,第二个路口左转进入温泉路. Turn left onto Sycamore Canyon at the first stop sign and continue for 1.1英里. Turn right onto Cold Springs Road at the second stop sign. 左转进入第一个韦斯特蒙特校园入口,并按照标志到停车场. 

Who will supervise my son/daughter during the program?
Members of the 小道的起点 staff will be present throughout the program. 主任和/或副主任将每天从上午到下午晚些时候与学生在一起. 受过训练的本科生导师将与小道的起点学生一起住在宿舍,并协调日常活动. Westmont's assistant director of residence life supervises the mentors.

How do I get in touch with my son/daughter during the program?
We expect that you will check in with your son or daughter directly by email, 手机, 文本和/或其他远程方式. In cases of emergency when you cannot reach your son or daughter directly, please contact resident director Thomas Staffileno at (805) 565-6273.

Whom do I contact in the event of an emergency?
如遇紧急情况,请致电(805)565-6273与驻院主任Thomas Staffileno联系. 在节目中, Thomas’s focus will be concentrated on providing guidance, 方向, 支持, and supervision for all of our program participants. 因此, 我们要求你只有在紧急情况下,当你不能直接联系到你的儿子或女儿时,才联系他. 如果我们需要联系你, 请确保您的紧急信息已存档,并将毫不犹豫地使用.  

我们鼓励您将这段短暂的时间作为“真正的事情”的练习,当你的儿子或女儿开始从远处引导年轻的成年生活时. 我们要求您在课程进行期间不要计划参观校园. 我们赞赏您的每一位学生都决定把他们暑假的一部分时间用于这项努力. 我们也感谢你们每一位家长/监护人为他们提供这些工具, 方向, and parenting necessary to guide them while they are away from 首页.

Should your son or daughter become ill or injured, 我们的工作人员将迅速了解情况,以确定是否有必要在当地急诊室或无预约诊所寻求治疗. 如果需要交通工具,我们的两名工作人员将陪同您的儿子或女儿. Our staff will certainly be in touch with you in this event. 请确保您的儿子或女儿携带其健康保险卡的复印件. 服务费用将由学生及其家长负责. 

What happens if my son or daughter contracts Covid during the program?
We will be closely monitoring student health throughout the program. 在Covid暴露的情况下, we will provide tests on site and follow relevant quarantine protocol. In the case of a positive test result, 学生可以安全地隔离在自己的房间里,直到家长/监护人能够去接他们. Our staff will certainly be in touch with you in this event. 新冠病毒检测呈阳性的学生的家长/监护人有责任尽快将他们从校园接走.

What types of activities will my son/daughter participate in during 小道的起点?
小道的起点包括课堂内外的活动(可能包括徒步旅行), 皮划艇, 骑自行车, 桨登机, 滑冰, 滑旱冰, 激光标签, 诸如此类). Participants assume the risks associated with all program activities.

What are the behavioral expectations for participants in the 小道的起点 program?
您可以在我们的网站上找到有关行为期望和其他政策的完整信息 小道的起点学生手册.

How do I send mail to my son/daughter?

Mail is distributed once per day, Monday through Friday. Please note the Westmont post office is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. If you are sending a time-sensitive envelope or package, 请致电(805)565-6230或发送电子邮件至trailhead@westmont通知我们的办公室.edu.

Who should I contact to discuss any accommodations my student might need?
Students needing accommodations during 小道的起点 should view the 残疾事务办公室 (ODS)网站查阅资料. 如果要求住宿, 建议学生在他们的小道的起点会议开始前至少两周向残疾服务办公室提供必要的文件和表格. 请发邮件至ods@westmont.Edu获取更多信息.

Who should I contact if I have questions about payment?
请发邮件至(trailhead@westmont).edu) or call (805) 565-6230 our office with any questions about payment. 

小道的起点的参与者与他们的同龄人以及我们的本科生导师住在ag娱乐官网里. 他们一起建立关系,创造经验,挑战和支持参与者进行更深入的学习, 真实的敬拜, 以及形成性友谊.


What Covid-19 health and safety measures will be in place? 

威斯蒙特将遵守与Covid-19相关的所有适用的县、州和联邦指导方针. Detailed policies are described below. Please note that policies and procedures are subject to change at any time. Westmont强烈鼓励所有符合条件的小道的起点学生接种Covid-19疫苗和增强疫苗.

How will Westmont's 小道的起点 program monitor the health of students?

If students begin to feel unwell during the course of their program week, they can contact one of the on-site staff or email risk@pale61.com 下一步. If any student contracts Covid during a 小道的起点 session, 家长/监护人负责尽快从校园接他们.