
选择一所大学是一个重大的决定. 现在你的儿子或女儿在韦斯特蒙特, know that that our rigorous academics and robust community life will equip and encourage them on every level. That includes helping them evaluate their next big decision -- choosing which major(s) to pursue during the middle of their Sophomore year.

对一些学生来说, choosing a major is clear and straight forward while other students deliberate until the very last minute. 不管你的学生属于哪一类, 我们可以帮助他们根据自己的兴趣来评估专业, 能力和未来目标. We offer multiple assessments and will meet one-on-one with your student.  查看我们的 选择专业 讲义.

As you begin to talk with your student about majors or the road ahead, 考虑问一些开放式的问题来激发对话.  以下是一些建议: 你认为你的优势在哪里?  什么吸引你,什么让你充满激情? 你想再上多少学校? 你对什么样的工作感兴趣? 你想过什么样的生活?

The good news is that the value of a Westmont liberal arts degree gives your student the building blocks to pursue just about any career regardless of major. 事实上, a recent survey found that 90% of students are confident that the education they receive at Westmont will equip them to compete in the job market. 然而,, 当你们的谈话转向务实的话题时, encourage your student to explore the kinds of careers that are typically associated with various majors. 访问 WhatCanIDoWithThisMajor.com 对于特定专业的职业的例子.

快速浏览一下韦斯特蒙特大学毕业生的工作地点, 他们做什么, 他们在韦斯特蒙特学的东西, 他们住在哪里, 参观 韦斯特蒙特校友页面 在LinkedIn.

There are multiple employment opportunities on campus including work-study jobs. 参观 学生就业 page for more information on what students need to do to get a job on campus.

All students are encouraged to complete at least one internship during their time at Westmont (we advise students to wait until after they've completed their first year at Westmont). 实习 are a great way for students to "test drive" a career and for organizations to size up prospective employees.  Many students are able to receive academic credit for internships.  A 2019 Student Survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), noted “ 57.5 percent of students who had an internship received a job offer.”

谷歌,苹果,脸谱网. 是的,韦斯特蒙校友在那里工作.  They are also gainfully employed at for-profit and non-profit organizations throughout the United States and across the globe. 我们最近的研究发现,96.7% of graduates are either employed or pursuing graduate school within six months of commencement.

Employers come to campus just about every month during the academic year. These "Career Cafe" events provide multiple employers (between five and eight employers per event) with direct access to students to talk about internships and careers. We also organize dedicated events with large employers to help our students learn about the wide variety of different jobs available with in one industry or organization. 联系  Janay马歇尔 详情请致电805-565-6263


Whether your company is based in Santa Barbara or elsewhere around the globe, there may be a Westmont intern or new employee that is only a few clicks away.

当地(圣巴巴拉地区)实习和工作:  It's best to post internships before the start of a new semester when students are looking for these opportunities.

Out of the area internships and jobs: The vast majority of Westmont students head 首页 at the end of the academic year, and summer internships are a great way to help them gain experience.  While the majority of Westmont students are from west of the Rockies, 有来自全国各地和世界各地的学生. 使用LinkedIn查看当前的学生是否来自你所在的地区. Be sure to set the "Start Year' to reflect current students (ie: start year = 2014, etc)

要发布实习或工作,请访问 握手 (我们的在线招聘门户网站-见下面的说明).  校园招聘联系方式 Janay马歇尔、雇主关系 

握手 is user-friendly, can connect you directly with talented Westmont students and recent alum .and will enable you to manage the critical elements of your engagement with Westmont. 请浏览 握手资源中心 获取有关入门的有用文章, 管理用户设置, 了解隐私设置, 发布职位, 还有更多! 

去 握手

  1. 报名:填写报名表并“报名”. You will be asked to enter your recruiting interests and alma mater, 同意雇主指引, 服务条款, 及私隐政策.
  2. VERIFY: 握手 will send you a verification email to the email you provided. Verify your account by clicking “Confirm Email” upon receiving it.
  3. 联系你的公司:确认你的邮件后, 如果你的公司已经存在, 握手应该提示你与你的组织建立联系. You can also use a Search bar to find your company, or click the “Create New Company” button.
  4. CONNECT WITH WESTMONT: Use the Search bar to find "Westmont College" and click the “+” to connect with us!
  5. CONFIRMATION: Your connection will be reviewed by COVE就业中心 staff. 一次审查, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that you are now connected with Westmont College.


  1. 发布工作:登录 握手 然后点击家庭仪表盘上的“发布工作”. You will be asked to provide information in regards to the job basics, 工作细节, 工作偏好.
  2. SCHOOL SELECTION: On the left side of the screen, you will be able to add schools. 点击“Westmont College”旁边的“+”,添加Westmont!
  3. CREATE: Choose "Create" on the bottom navigation to create and review your job. 
  4. CONFIRMATION: Your job posting will be reviewed by COVE就业中心 staff. 一次审查, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that the position will be posted and available to Westmont students and alumni.

Please consider connecting your company or organization's Human Resources department with our office. 我们的雇主关系专员 recruit@pale61.com 能帮助提供资源来促进你的机会吗, and develop ways to make your organization known among the Westmont community. 

The 校友 and 家长 Relations office is a great resource on finding ways to connect with other Westmont alumni. We are currently in the process of developing a more user friendly Westmont 校友 directory. 在临时访问期间 韦斯特蒙特校友页面   via Linkedin is a great alternative to stay in touch with classmates.